What’s Holding You Back?
I was recently talking with someone who kept saying that she was dreading the overwhelm of the job search, which has been holding her back from finding a new job for years. This conversation got me thinking about how many people stay stuck in a job they hate, that makes them miserable because of fear, an excuse, or a worry.
Fear can be of a lot of things here – fear of failure, fear of rejection, or even fear of success. These fears can be paralyzing, keeping you from even taking the first step towards your dream job. It's important to acknowledge these fears and find ways to address them. Remember, it's okay to be afraid, but don't let that fear control your future.
Like the person I spoke to, a lot of people don’t go after their dream jobs because just the thought of going through the job search process is daunting and exhausting. The key is to break it down into manageable steps. Start with updating your resume, then move on to networking, and finally, apply for jobs. Taking it one step at a time can make the process feel less overwhelming.
A common concern is not being able to make the same amount of money in a new job. This is a valid concern, but it's important to weigh the benefits of pursuing a job you love versus staying in one you hate for the sake of a paycheck. Consider the long-term gains of job satisfaction, mental health, and potential for growth in a field you are passionate about.
Not having a degree can be a significant barrier for many people. However, many industries are shifting their focus from formal education to practical experience and skills. Look for opportunities to gain experience through internships, volunteer work, or online courses. Don't let the lack of a degree hold you back from pursuing your dream.
"It's not the right time" is an excuse we often use to delay taking action. While timing can be crucial, waiting for the perfect moment can result in never making a move. Assess your situation, and if you can make it work, take the plunge. Sometimes, the perfect time is now.
You don’t feel like you deserve your dream job, which can be a major mental block. Imposter syndrome and self-doubt can sabotage your efforts before you even start. Work on building your confidence and understanding your worth. Remember, everyone starts somewhere, and you deserve to pursue a career that makes you happy and fulfilled.
identifying what's holding you back is the first step toward overcoming these barriers. Fear, overwhelm, money, education, timing, and mindset are all significant hurdles, but they are not insurmountable. Take small steps, seek support, and keep your end goal in sight. Your dream job is within reach – don't let these obstacles stop you from going after it. If you want help changing your career in a strategic and structured way, let’s chat! Click here to set up a free call.