Will A New Career Make Me Happy?

It’s a funny thing being human. Many of us believe that happiness will come with the next thing. A better job situation, a new home, a new relationship, whatever it may be, that thing is going to solve all our problems, right? Wrong.

Let’s use the example of finding a better job situation.

You are feeling not challenged, bored even. Maybe you have a bad boss or dealing with a lot of stress. Whatever the reason, you decide that you are not happy and finding a new job will make you happy again. So you jump into a job search, blindly searching for the next best thing. You spend your time applying for any job that looks interesting and you tweak and tweak and tweak your resume over and over again and try to find people to network on. Sound familiar?

The problem here is that none of these methods actually work. Sure, you may land a job, but I’m willing to bet you’ll find yourself in the same situation down the road. Unhappy and unfulfilled.

Why? Because the only way to experience true career happiness and fulfillment is by defining what YOU uniquely need and then purposely going after it.

I built the Career Clarity Roadmap on this exact premise - How to figure out what kind of work is going to be fulfilling for you. A place where you can be happy and thrive and LOVE what you do.

You are a unique puzzle, the different pieces of your personality, values, strengths, desired lifestyle, and more make up you as a whole. When we start to address what those pieces are and how they fit and support each other, we can find a career that can begin to make you happy.

Once you have the clarity and focus on what is the right career for you, then you can put a plan in place to go find it. Confident that this new direction will bring fulfillment and happiness to your life.

So if you are ready to take your career to the next level and find what you are meant to do, come check out the Career Clarity Roadmap here.


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