It’s time to stop wishing and to start doing.


Hi! I am Dianna Conover. A Colorado native, dog mom to Henry, and music-addicted, bookworm who is living and loving her signature life.

Some years ago, I graduated college with a dream and a plan. Step by step I planned to climb the corporate ladder to achieve my goals but ended up in a place where I was feeling unfulfilled and drained. Struggling to show up each day to do something I no longer felt passionate about.

Sound familiar? If you are reading this, most likely you are in a similar position and seeking something more.

Something better.

Over the last few years, I had the opportunity to help a few people transition to a life full of passion and joy. In exchange, I found something that fulfilled my soul, excited me every day, and provided me with a career that would leave my signature on the world. I feel that everyone should get the opportunity to do something they love and that is what I strive to do with each and every one of my clients. Combine their strengths, passions, and past experiences to design a signature life.

Today I am working with people who are ready to invest in themselves in order to transition out of their stuffy, dead-end careers through my signature 5-step program that I designed from my extensive experience in HR and recruiting.