*Unpopular Opinion* You’re Not Stuck In Your Career…

I hate the word stuck. It implies that you have zero control over your situation, and it makes you the victim. You are not stuck in your career. Here’s why - The majority of you (and I say majority because there are a few that do actually have employment contracts) are not bound by law to stay in your job. You are not handcuffed to your desk and forced to continue to work day and night. You have a choice whether or not to leave.

Now, I am not a heartless b*tch. I understand that you FEEL stuck. You feel like you don’t have options. You feel like you can only do what you are currently doing. You feel like you cannot afford to make a change.

But guess what, my friend, you can overcome that feeling and break free to find a job that aligns with who you are and what you need in order to be happy and thrive!

Here are three ways to take control of your situation and get unstuck in your career.


I always like to start with a period of introspection when making a change because if you are making a change because you are unhappy and don’t understand what is making you unhappy, there is a good chance you will end up here again. So, start by understanding why you are feeling stuck. Is it because you haven’t received a promotion in a while or are not being challenged? Maybe you are feeling stuck because you’ve gotten too comfortable with what you do or where you do it. It could even be because something in your personal life is making you feel stuck professionally. I recently worked with a client who “felt stuck” because her husband was sick and she felt that she had to stay put in her job to be able to take care of him.

Your reasons are valid, but they are not chains. Awareness is always the first step to making a change. You have the power to make a change.

Make a Plan

Once you have identified why you are feeling stuck, you can move on to addressing it. Maybe you need to talk to your boss and see if you can take on some new and different projects to challenge you again. Or maybe you are misaligned with the values of the organization and it’s time to leave. Regardless, we need to make a plan. An easy way is to ask yourself, what is in my control to change this situation? Once you have identified what you can control, then you can take action.

Take Action

The reason a lot of people feel stuck is because the idea of a huge, life-changing career move feels overwhelming and not reasonable. So, we start small. Jane Goodall said it best, “Cumulatively small decisions, choices, and actions make a very big difference.” Start by taking a class or training to improve and learn a new skill. Or maybe going to a networking event with the sole purpose of learning what other people do.

The little things add up and the point of taking small actions is to remind yourself that you do have the power to change, no matter how difficult the circumstances are.

Just remember, feeling stuck in your career is common, but it is important to take action and revitalize your career. By identifying the root cause of your feelings, setting concrete goals, and taking specific steps to achieve them, you can overcome obstacles and achieve long-term career growth and success.

My friend, you’re not truly stuck – you have the power to make positive changes and find a path that aligns with your aspirations.


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